From the very beginning, God's plan for mankind was to live in harmony and unity with Him.
But in our humanness, we had other ideas.
Sin entered the world, we were separated from God and He sent His Son Jesus, God in the flesh, to give us a way back to Him.
Jesus shows us how to live and love and He invites us to follow Him back into unity with God and others who believe - His Church.
We are God’s plan A, and there is no plan B.
Following Jesus means that we live our lives to bring glory and honor to God.
We follow the ways that He lived and loved when He walked as a man on this earth, we follow what He taught us through stories in the Bible, and we share that love and His teachings with others.
As students of Jesus we are His disciples and when we share the Gospel message of love with others and point them to Jesus, we are disciples who make disciples.
When a person makes the decision to turn from their old ways, follow Jesus, and allow Him to be Lord of their life, the Bible says that we should be baptized to demonstrate and celebrate that decision.
Baptism is being fully immersed in water and being brought back out again.
Going under water represents the death of a life lived for ourselves and the world, and coming up out of the water is a beautiful image of being washed clean of our past and reborn as a new person who lives for Jesus.
If you’ve made the decision to follow Jesus and you’re ready to be baptized, we are ready for you. Let’s do this.
If you have more questions, bring ‘em on.