The Refinery meets Sundays at 16721 W. Indian School Road, Goodyear, AZ 85395.
We are a non-denominational, evangelical Christian Church.
God’s not afraid of your questions and neither are we. We’d love to chat over coffee - on us. We don’t have all the answers, but we’d love to help you find answers to your questions or walk alongside you as we discover them together.
Come for a visit. We don’t take attendance or require you to sign in at the door. But it is our hope that you will want to know more about who we are as a church and be a part of what God’s doing at The Refinery.
Our services are come-as-you-are casual. Every week we have live, contemporary, impactful music and a message from a member of our Pastoral Teaching Team. We take time during every service to share in a time of communion, connect with God through prayer, worship God through giving, and keep you up to date about upcoming events and opportunities.
Not gonna lie, if you’re new to church, it might feel a little awkward at first, but we try hard to make every person who walks through our doors feel comfortable and welcome.
Our Welcome Team is ready and waiting in the lobby to greet you, answer your questions, and direct you to where you want to be. Feel free to look around, then make your way to the auditorium through the double doors, and find a seat. There are no assigned or saved seats here; please sit wherever you’d like. If you are coming with more than one or two other people, you’ll want to make sure to arrive at least 5-10 minutes before service to give you the best chance at finding a group of seats so all of you can sit together. If you have kids, they are welcome to join you in the main service, but we hope you will consider checking your kids into a Refinery Kids class so that both you and your child(ren) can encounter God through our unique experiences. More info about Refinery Kids here.
Our services typically begin with a song or two and an opportunity to say hello to some people around you. Sing if you’d like, or just listen. Stand if you want, or stay seated. Hand raising is also optional. We want you to take in the experience at your comfort level. Lights, colorful graphics, and other ambient effects are used to set the tone in the room and enhance your time of worship. After another song or two, we learn more about God through a message from one of our Pastors or guest speakers. At some point in the service we will pass a communion tray and a giving basket down each row. Don’t worry, someone on stage will explain what’s happening and give instructions so that you’ll know what to do. If you are visiting for the first time or you’re just checking us out, there’s no pressure to take communion or give a donation. Communion is open to all followers of Jesus and giving is another way for those who call Refinery home to worship and honor God. If you’re not ready, that’s okay. Please feel free to pass the communion tray and giving basket to the next person in your row.
Our campus is located at the southeast corner of Loop 303 and Indian School Rd. at 16721 W. Indian School Rd., Goodyear, Arizona. From Indian School Rd., head south on 166th Ave. Follow the road around to the paved parking lot, and park where directed by our parking lot greeters or wherever you’d like if no greeters are on duty for that service.
Refinery Kids is available for kids from birth through 5th Grade during all 3 Sunday morning services. Our Refinery Kids volunteers love kids, they are interviewed, background checked, trained, and equipped to provide a fun and amazing, age-appropriate experience for your child. When you arrive in the lobby, make your way to our Refinery Kids greeter station to check your child(ren) into class. If this is your first time, please arrive at least 10 minutes before service and be prepared to spend a few minutes providing important contact and safety information to our Refinery Kids greeter. After you’ve checked your child(ren) in for the first time, you will be able to use our self check-in station which only takes a few minutes.
Middle School and High School Students are encouraged to attend church with you on Sunday mornings - they can sit with you or in our Student Section at 11:00am (beginning on January 7th) - and they're invited to come back for Refinery Students at 5:30pm to connect with other students during an experience prepared just for them.
We are a highly relational church - we would love to get to know you and help you get connected. Please visit our Next Steps Station before or after service and one of our volunteers will be happy to help you take your next step. One of the best ways to do that is by joining a Life Group.
Another great way to meet someone and get connected is by attending one of our men's and women's events which happen a few times per year.
Joining a serving team is another way to meet others.
When someone chooses to demonstrate their decision to follow Jesus by being baptized, it’s cause for celebration! One of our Core Values at Refinery is to celebrate life change, and what better way to celebrate than with confetti cannons? We have baptisms in the lobby several times per month. We hope you’ll stick around to hear the story of how God has changed their life, watch them get baptized, and join in the celebration.
Thank you for letting us know of your plan to visit The Refinery! We look forward to meeting you.
As you make your way into the building, please visit the Guest Services Kiosk in the center of the lobby. A member of our Guest Services Team will greet you, give you a welcome packet, and help you get to where you need to go.
If you are bringing kids, you will be directed to the Refinery Kids Welcome Desk where you'll be asked for some information in order to check your littles into their Kids classes.
Lanni Willson
Communications & Online Pastor
Thank you for trusting us with your prayer request. We will get back to you soon.
Thank you for subscribing to your newsletter!
Stay tuned!
Find Life. Find Truth. Find Purpose. Ⓒ 2022 The Refinery Christian Church
16721 W. Indian School Road, Goodyear, AZ 85395 • • (623) 925-2000