Have you heard what's NEXT?


Find life.

Find truth.

Find purpose.

Where real people become real family.


What is real community anyway?

What if real community is a safe place where you can make deep, meaningful connections…

Your story has value.

And you are worthy of meaningful connections.

—— Authentic community.

All masks are dropped at the door! Bring your true self.

—— Good news.

News that is truly good, and life-changing!

—— Honest discipleship.

Real people walking together in intentional relationship for spiritual growth.


Not knowing anyone was a huge fear when we started coming to church, but it wasn't long until we made deep meaningful friendship that have lasted years. The Refinery has given us a place to call home.

— Michael Guernsey

After moving from another state we didn’t really feel connected, until we joined The Refinery. Here we feel we are a part of a wonderful family of God. We are not just people attending a church but a church family connecting through the ups and downs of life.

— Kathy Daviscourt

I had wandered away from God but now I’m reminded of God’s love for me. I feel like I belong and I love the dedication the team has to include everyone as part of The Refinery family. I feel confident opening up in a life group and the worship is awesome!

— Char Paynter

Bring your questions

We’d like a shot at seeking the answers with you. 


We are Refinery

And we are not the same without you!

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